Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Back to School

Back to school for the first time in five years! I feel like Adam Sandler in Billy Madison, "I've got my lunch packed up, my boots tied tight, I hope I don't get in a fight. Oh, back to school, back to school..."


  1. The colors and layout of your page rock! Also, I have to say I love how you quoted Adam Sandler, I love him too, so funny!

  2. Adam Sandler is the best! he is from Manchester, there's some out of the blue information for you ;). why did you decide to go back to school?

  3. Billy Madison...that remains my favorite Adam Sandler movie.

  4. @Colleen8 I'm finally finishing up my degree after figuring out what I really want to do (Merchandise Marketing) and then starting a second program out in LA in Jan.

  5. The LA program looks AMAZING! Good for you. Glad we'll get to know you now...so we can say we knew you when! :)
