Sunday, September 5, 2010


Too Much Information. We're all guilty of over sharing from time to time, but with the development of social media, TMI has been taken to a whole new level. For the most part, we're able to censor how much information we really want to see. Annoying friends who blab about their relationships via Facebook updates? Hide them on your news feed. Tweeters who talk about their every move? Unfollow them. I have to admit that I procrastinate and find myself spending an embarassing amount of time on websites such as TextsFromLastNight and Failbook, scouting the latest and greatest of TMI on the internet. It reminds me of when cell phones first became really huge, people walked around having conversations about practically anything while in public, well actually they still do. Anyone remember the Sex and the City episode with the guy walking down the street talking about getting tested for herpes? Classic TMI. Personally, I would never dream of posting about a break up or my son's (if I had one) testicles procedure via a Facebook status, but I'll enjoy laughing at those who do. The reality is that the internet has brought TMI to a whole new level with groundbreaking websites such as YouTube, Facebook and Twitter. Even websites like PerezHilton and Dlisted have peaked due to everyone's interest in TMI about celebrities. So what's considered acceptable sharing of information nowadays? Everything. That's the greatest part of the social media craze - whether you're updating your status, tweeting or blogging, there's an audience out there who will listen; and if not, there's one that will laugh at you for making a fool of yourself. 

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