Monday, November 1, 2010

Banner Ad


  1. Stephanie, I love your banner ad. It's elegant, simple and brings me right to your website. Your website looks great too. Everything about your banner ad and website is open, friendly and inviting. I hope your first official event went well. Congratulations!

  2. Stephanie, I think it's amazing that you are starting your own company. I can only imagine how difficult it is but you are doing a great job. Your banner ad captures what your company is about and allows me to visit your website by clicking on it.

    I hope your first event went well and please keep me updated.

  3. Stephanie, Your banner ad is fantastic! It looks very classy and professional. The first thing I saw when I looked atyour ad is the catch phrase. I think this is what will draw in your customers. You are off to a great start and I wish you the best of luck on your business.

  4. Thanks ladies! The event was a great success - we were able to raise about $1,000 which isn't as much as I hoped, but a great start. Plus, none of the models feel - so that was a huge plus!

  5. Stephanie, I agree you did a great job on your banner ad. It's simple, clean cut, and has that classy vibe.
