Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Stephen King

I had always seen Stephen King on TV at baseball games, where the camera would span to him in the crowd, normally with a book in hand, and the announcer would make some casual comment about the notorious author. To be honest, he always gave me the creeps. I had never read any of his books, but had encountered scenes from "The Shining" and "Carrie" when I was younger, and his physical appearance was exactly what I thought the author of such stories should look like - slightly haunting with pale skin and dark hair, and small beady eyes peering through his glasses. "On Writing" is the first book I've read by King, and I cannot seem to match his physical appearance to his 'voice' in the book. He seems so laid back and relaxed, as if the words just slipped out of his head and glided on to the paper. When reading "On Writing," I picture a guy you'd sit down and joke around with over a cup of coffee; not someone who writes about killer clowns. I am intrigued now to read one of his books and see how his 'voice' translates into his fictional stories. 


  1. Great post! It's funny you brought up how Stephen King actually looks in comparison to the 'voice' of this book we read. I too think he looks nothing like I would imagine from this reading! He does have such a creepy look to him (not to judge). I guess writers are like radio show hosts in a way, they never look how they sound!

  2. I've never seen him on TV during a Sox game, but I thought it was really funny that you mentioned that he usually has a book in hand. He wasn't kidding when he said that he always has a book with him. The idea of reading while in line at the grocery store sounds a little crazy to me, but I still want to try it sometime!
